Sent def notifications, Def planning update
This update includes a new type of notifications for Discord bot, a new page in defense planning to see all attacks of some attacker and many smaller improvements or bug fixes.
We're also extremely happy to welcome a new contributor to Travco code - Zsolt! 🎉
Discord - sent defense notification
Discord bot can now send you a notification each time a member sends defense to some def call.
Leaders can enable this feature by filling the Discord channel to send this notification to in the bot settings.
Defense planning - Attackers view
Defense coordinators can now see all attacks sent by single enemy easily. This feature is available in the defense planning page.
Other improvements and bug fixes
- In farmlists feature, new reported raids have their capacity % calculated from the raid capacity. We also filter out raids with different troops than those specified in the farmlist, which sometimes resulted in over 100% capacity performance of some farms. (Thanks Zsolt for this feature!)
- Last checked field in reporting incoming attacks is now required, so more reported attacks should have possible incoming troops filled. This will save some struggle and time to the defense coordinators.
- Added sending time to defense CSV exports
- Full defense call are now showed at the end of the list in Defense calls list page.
- We now display message when Inactive search feature can't be used for some server because there is not enough data collected yet.
- Fixed farmlists sometimes not uploading, when some raid was performed with hero only.
- Fixed timeline chart (account or village strength) spacing.
Attack plan cloning, scout strength
This update brings two features. First, you now have the ability to create a copy/clone of your attack plans. Second, Travco now tracks scout strength of players. We've also fixed multiple smaller bugs.
Attack Plan Cloning
You can now easily create a clone of any of your attack plans. This allows you to quickly create an attack plan which is similar to already existing one without making any changes to the first plan. Or, you can create "template" plans, which you can use to bootstrap your new plans quickly.
Making a copy of the attack plan is as easy as clicking the "Clone" button in the available actions.
Scout Strength
Good news for all scout players! Travco now tracks your scouting strength - in your village overview, in the charts and the leaderboards. The alliance leaders will also be happy to know, that in addition to already existing filters, you can now also filter and order your members by the scout strength.
Spartans Tribe Support
Travco now fully supports the new Spartan tribe.
Similarly to all other tribes, Travco comes with a custom icon design of the new tribe thanks to Marek. You can see his other arts at
Browser extension, membership timezones
In this update, we release an open-beta version of our Chrome browser extension as well as rework of timezones in Travco.
Browser extension
We're excited to announce a new whole new part of Travco - browser extension! It is currently in open-beta stage.
Right now, the browser extension can be used instead of any copy-paste reporting of Travian pages into Travco. Get rid of the copy-pasting hustle and report everything with a single click, right from the game! This includes
- Villages overview (troops in villages)
- Incoming attacks
- Enemy heroes (works even for the new Travian heroes!)
- Farmlists
- Attack reports
- Resource pushes and cropper
While most of the features are reserved for Plus+ members, the reporting of enemy heroes is available for free membership users!
Beware, that the only way you're able to report enemy hero in the new version of Travian (with the updated heroes) is through the browser extension!
Follow this link to get the browser extension.
All of the features are and always will be in compliance with Travian rules. They don't make any action, modify or interact with the game in any way - you will not get banned for using this extension.
Improved timezones
Until now, each Travian member could only select one account-wide timezone. This made it very difficult for players who were part of multiple groups, each within different timezone. It was also very difficult to synchronize each member of a group to have the same timezone. In this update, we've addressed these issues.
- Group leaders can now select default timezone to be used for group members in the group settings. Group leaders can now also see the timezone set by each member.
- Every group member can set different timezone for each of his groups. The default selection is "Automatic" which means that it will follow the settings of the group (see point above).
- We've removed many timezones from the selection and left only those which are actually used in Travian, since other choices made little sense and the large selection was unnecessarily confusing.
Inactive scouting, Target tags, and more!
A large update has arrived to Travco. Most notably, we bring in Quick inactive search scouting feature, reworked attack plan preparation and Target tags, possibility to manually create Attack reports and more!
Quick inactive search scouting
Feature which is going to bring a smile on a face of each and every farmer.
In Inactive search, you now have a button next to each target to quickly send scouts. Moreover, you can set up rules on the amount of scouts to be sent. For example:
- send 1 scout to villages between 1-50 population
- send 2 scounts to villages between 50-100 population
- send 5 scounts to villages between 100-200 population
- ... and so on.
An extremely useful part of the feature is, that you can also mass quick-scout your targets by checking the checkboxes of villages that you want to scout. With the settings still being applied for each individual target!
Target tags
As the amount of targets in your attack-preparation toolbelt grew, preparing an attack plan could get messy quite quickly. This was dramatically improved by an addition of Target tags!
- You're free to create many tags for your targets, with various colours and text
- for example, you can tag your targets based on the artifact they have, whether they are on the rotation for trainers artifact, whether the village is in a gray zone and so on - whatever comes to your mind!
- Assign and remove the tags from your targets
- you can assign/remove the tags either one by one
- or use a mass tag action by clicking the checkboxes in each row
- Search/filter in the Targets by their tag by various types of filters
- the Target needs to have all selected tags (AND logic)
- the Target needs to have at least one of selected tags (OR logic)
- any combination of the above
Updated attack plan preparation
When setting up the attack plan, Travco now allows you to use all types of filters when activating the attackers and targets. We've also changed the flow slightly, so it shouldn't be as confusing for new users.
Manual attack reports
We now give you the ability to create an attack report manually.
This can be very useful, when you want to keep track of your enemy armies in Travco, but all you have is a screenshot.
Travco finally comes with a proper pagination on list views. You're now free to set the amount of results you want to see per page - and Travco will remember your choice for each page individually.
UI Patch
New logo! And some minor stuff.
- We have updated our logo
- allow filtering by multiple attack types
- Travian servers should appear in inactive search properly
TS Optimiser, Quality of life improvements
In this patch we bring multiple quality of life improvements and fixes based on your feedback. We're also shipping a new feature - Attacks TS optimiser.
Attacks TS Optimiser
Are you tired of sending attacks whole day? A new feature which will make all Plus+ offensive players happy. Travco now automatically finds optimal TS levels for your attacks so that you can send all attacks quickly. The algorithm has multiple levels of "aggressiveness" so you can decide on the time saved vs resource cost tradeoff.
The Attacks TS Optimiser feature can be found in Attacks -> My attacks in the sidebar.
- In defense planning, you can now see active defense calls. You're also no longer redirected to defense calls list when you create a new call from Defense planning page. (thanks Pampecuk for the suggestion)
- In Inactive search, you can now open multiple villages at once (thanks Tikiii971 for the suggestion)
- You may need to update your browser permissions, in Chrome:
- Open Settings
- Under "Privacy and security", click Site settings
- Click Pop-ups and redirects
- At the top, turn the setting to Allowed
- Under Allow Add
- You may need to update your browser permissions, in Chrome:
- Added ordering to attack Targets list (thanks Undercover - Maleren for the suggestion)
- Added number of rams and catapults when activating attackers (thanks Undercover - Maleren for the suggestion)
- Fixed datetime picker sometimes bugging (thanks JoakimKrogh for the bug report)
- Fixed attack reports not showing lost resources (thanks Quinn for the bug report)
- Added attacking players to the defense tab (thanks to Karl von for the suggestion)
- You can now play with different options at possible sending units for defense calls (thanks raynor1 for the suggestion)
UI fixes
In this patch, we fixed stutter/slow load of icons - now they are served from our CDN. Also (hopefully) fixed visual of some select form fields.
New attack type and some fixes
A smaller patch which brings a new attack type, improvements and bug fixes
- A new attack type can be used when planning offensive operations - Telescope (Fake).
- Target coordinates were added to farmlist raids CSV export. Travel duration is now rounded to second.
- Improved pre-filling of troop units when sending an attack
- Telescope (Fake) fills 18+1+1+1
- Rams (Fake) and Conquer (Fake) now fills 19+1 ram
- Hammer now fills set amount of catapults + hero
- Catapults now fill set amount of catapults
- Fixed errors for players kicked from Travco group
- Fixed getting basic member rank on some pages
Fixed inactive search filter
Fixed "is in my farmlist" filter in inactive search
Defense fixes
Fixed some issues on the Defense feature